Requirements for Actor Headshots
Whether you are new to acting or have been an actor for an extended period, you will likely need to hire a professional headshot photographer at some point. Once you realize you need headshots, the next question will likely be, “What are the Requirements for Actor Headshots”?
My recent session with Cory focused on two main headshot styles, “commercial” and “character.” To better understand what exactly these two styles are, I will provide more information for each below.

What is a Commercial-Style headshot?
Preferably a natural smile showing your teeth. Your expression should still look approachable if you do not want to show your teeth. Overall, a commercial-style headshot should be well-lit, and you should have a natural “outgoing” expression. Also, the background should not distract or allow the viewer’s eyes to wander away from your face. Lastly, it is essential to consider what clothing you will wear. Wear something neutral and avoid shirts with busy patterns or decals.
Please pay attention to his expression and the natural, even lighting in this example.
What is a Character-Style headshot?
Firstly, not everyone will need this style of headshot. The commercial-style headshot is all you need for kids and actors just starting out. For more experienced actors or those looking to do more than just commercials, the character headshot is a great tool to add to your kit. I don’t believe any “hard” rules apply to these headshots. It is about pushing the creative boundary a bit more. To do this, I recommend trying different lighting styles and expressions and considering your wardrobe selection.
If you look at this sample of Cory, you can understand what I’m referring to. The lighting is much more “edgy,” his expression more subdued, and his clothing choice different as well.

Below are two additional headshots of Cory. Of course, as you can see, one is “commercial” and the other “character.”
Red Raven Talent Ltd. in Vancouver, BC, represents Cory.
Are you ready to take your headshots to the next level?
Contact me today, and let’s create stunning new shots together.